CUPE Local 2115

CUPE 2115

 documentation and our Collective AgrEement

Agreement in principle: 

  1. Sectorial:sectorial.pdf (334 kB)
  2. Central:agreement in principle.pdf (991,7 kB)


Equality Statement: Equality Statement.pdf

Our collective agreement: COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT.pdf

Our local provisions: SCFP-Centre Miriam-class 2 Local Provisions.pdf

Simplified parental guide: Simplified Parental Guide.pdf

Our Statutory Holidays 2014-2015: CONGÉS FÉRIÉS – STATUTORY HOLIDAYS.pdf

Union demands for the upcoming Collective Agreement: Union proposals for the new collective agreement 2015.pdf

Minutes of the general assembly held on February 9th and 10th 2016: Minutes of the general assembly february 2016.pdf (106,1 kB)